mardi 12 mars 2013

ECS KN1 Extreme nForce4 Boards

ECS today introduced the KN1 Extreme, NFORCE4-A939 and NFORCE4-A754motherboards, all three based on NVIDIA nForce4 family chips. Belonging to thetop performance Extreme series, the KN1 Extreme motherboard uses the new NVIDIAnForce4 Ultra single chip, delivering revolutionary technologies – including PCIExpress, SATA 3Gb/s, secure high-speed networking and high-performance RAID.

In order to optimize PC performance, the KN1 Extreme includes NVIDIA nTune,enabling KN1 Extreme to operate at speeds up to FSB 2GHz.

And KN1 Extreme has added a second 802.11g LAN connector to make thismotherboard ideal for Internet connection sharing over a home network. KN1Extreme supports four SATA2 ports through the NVIDIA nForce4 single chip as wellas two standard SATA ports through the SiS180 controller.

Embedded in NVIDIA nForce4 Family chips, NForce4-A939 and NForce4-A754motherboards also bring the benefits of PCI-Express and Gigabyte LAN. Bothmotherboards also support the advanced AMD K8 platform, are engineered withTrinity RAID (RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 0+1) and come with up to 10 USB ports.

The KN1 Extreme and NFORCE4-A939 are now available; the NFORCE4-A754 will belaunched at the end of December.

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